Newsletter: End of May 2003
Where did May go? Just last month I was shelling out money for rent, and here
it is, a mere 31 days later and I gotta do it again :-P But, things are going well! May
saw the publication of the latest and greatest of the "Abraxia's Dream" anthologies,
featuring an astonishing 44 pages of goodness, and 14 artists & writers to tempt
your discerning palate. For those of you who have missed "Abraxia's Dream"
#1, #2 or #3, who are looking to fill the holes in your collection, or who are just
trying to find the latest, look no further!
Venus Envy, located in the heart of the Byward Market (110 Parent Avenue,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 789-4646, ottawa@venusenvy.ca ) is now carrying
DragonHead Studio's premier comic-zine. Please head to this amazing store
in droves and clean 'em out of my comic! If you have any money left after
buying all the fun buttons, stickers, books, T-shirts, cards, sex toys, safer
sex items, ETC, that is :-) The folks at the store are helpful, informed and friendly
and are totally into helping you out and explaining how everything works.
Venus Envy has also expressed interest in carrying Kristy Gordon's "Woundig",
so for any of you who have missed this kick-ass zine from BC and later incarnations
in the good-old Nation's Capital; soon you'll be able to find as many as she can
get the store to stock! Please take the time to visit Venus Envy and support
both mine and Kristy's stuff and take a look at all the other awesome things they
have for sale.
Thanks a bunch! Cheers & all best
Suzanne, the Head DragonLady :-))
601-360 Bell St. S.
Ottawa, ON
K1S 5E8
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