World Peace Crystal Grid, South Pole

World Peace Crystal Grid in the South Pole.

The WPCGs (World Peace Crystal Grids) have symbols for all the major belief systems of the world and their inscriptions read, “May the followers of all religions and spiritual paths work together to create peace among all people on earth.”

Symbols of religion.

“In May, 1997, I placed a specially designed and empowered Reiki Grid – the World Peace Crystal Grid at the North Pole. It was created with the intent of promoting world peace by becoming a planetary beacon charged with healing energies sent by people from all over the world.”

“In December 1999, the World Peace Crystal Grid project was brought to completion when I placed a companion WPCG grid at the South Pole!”

“Reiki is a wonderful, natural way to bring peace on earth because it is open to, and attracts, people from all backgrounds and belief systems. The Universal healing energy of Reiki provides a common connection that is shared by all, helping to bond diverse groups through the expression of unconditional love. Reiki has spread all over the world, and there are now Christians, including Protestants and Catholics, that practice Reiki, as well as followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism, Judaism, Taoism, native peoples and many others. People of many faiths have expressed thanks for their Reiki experience as they feel it strengthens their connection to the Creator, and provides a direct experience of his/her love and compassion. ” – William Rand, Senior Reiki Master, Teacher

You can find more information about Reiki on Wikipedia:

Reiki should probably not be used as a substitute for conventional medicine, but it might be very beneficial when used as an adjunct. Which is probably why many hospitals are now using Reiki.