Patch Adams offers to examine President Bush’s head

Well, that’s one way for the pharmaceutical industry to increase its market size – President Bush’s New Freedom Commission, early mental health screening and testing for all.

Don’t you just love Patch Adams’ response!

Click for the DVD version of The Real Patch Adams.

Patch offers to examine the head of the U.S. President

Along with his medical advocacy, Adams has been known for his political activism.

Among the causes championed by Adams, since 1992, is that of MindFreedom International, which unites 100 advocacy groups united in efforts to win campaigns for human rights of people diagnosed with psychiatric disabilities. Adams has taken a leading role on behalf of the coalition in its campaign to thwart President George W. Bush’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health.

“One of the main goals of the President’s New Freedom Commission is to ensure ‘Early mental health screening, assessment, and referral to services are common practice,’ said its director, David Oaks, adding, ‘President Bush wants to test all Americans for “mental illness”.’ Adams has responded by volunteering to screen President Bush, ‘He needs a lot of help. I’ll see him for free.'”

Psychiatrist’s advertisement: ˜Satisfaction guaranteed, or your mania back.”

A hypochondriac is a person who can read the doctor’s prescription.

Sign on a maternity ward door: PUSH PUSH PUSH