My Facebook friends posted this wonderful article: 11 Beautiful Japanese Words That Don’t Exist In English,
written by Marie Sugio for Odyssey and wanted to share it with my husband, because he loves the culture and language, and the images are stunning. But the print preview had ads splattered across most of the pages making it illegible. These days it seems that people care more about mobile friendliness than they do about print friendliness.
Fortunately there’s
Just add a url to its input box and it will give you a print version that doesn’t have any ads or unwanted features. You also have the option to remove more from the printed page if you want.
It also has a Print Friendly bookmarklet that you can add to your web browser, and a Button that you can add to your webpages to give others the same convenience.
Thought it was pretty cool and wanted to share.The print friendly article looked wonderful by the way, and my husband loved it
What do you think? Please feel free to comment below.