Resume CV: Carol Zimmermann Busato
Montreal, Quebec

Computer professional with over twelve years of experience in the development of web sites.
Skilled in web user interface design and responsive design for mobile optimization. Proficient in
HTML and
Knowledge of JavaScript, jQuery, and
Experience handling multimedia on the web.
Good knowledge of web standards, usability, and accessibility issues, as well as
Search Engine Optimization strategies. Strong communication and research skills. Thorough and highly motivated.

Webmaster - Front-end Web Developer (/03 - present)
Lucar Informatique -
Design and develop web sites using HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, and jQuery for interactivity. Know how to write code that gets W3C approval. Design sites that are responsive and functional, have a clean look, and provide clear and friendly navigation and easy accessibility. Use graphic software to create and optimize images and multimedia tools to add sound and video.
Validate usability on different browsers, and troubleshoot code where required. Continue to maintain content and code on most sites, making updates and adding any new features requested. Use Search Engine Optimization strategies to give good results.
- Teaching Assistant (fall/2001)
McGill University Continuing Education Montreal, Quebec
Programming Techniques
Corrected assignments and midterms. Answered students' questions about assignments and gave assistance when needed. Posted marks and lecture notes on the course web site.

Web Technologies & Programming Languages
HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, MySQL, Wordpress, FTP, Notepad++. Application Software Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe Acrobat (PDF). Design Creative design skills in Layout and Graphics using Adobe Photoshop, and InDesign. Video editing skills using CyberLink Power Director. Social Media Experience writing Wikipedia articles. Create, edit, and upload YouTube videos. Write internet blog articles using WordPress. Other Skills Some experience teaching. Good interpersonal skills. Strong communication and research skills. |

Certificate in MIS (Computer Software Technology), June 2002
McGill University Continuing Education - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Career and Management Studies, Grade Point Average: 3.64/4.0 -
B.A. with Distinction, Mathematics, 1990
Concordia University - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Major: Statistics, Dean's List
Last revised December 1, 2016
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