"At J.F.K. We Care"
Hello dear classmates and teachers,
Let's party like it's 1974.
50th Year Reunion Class of '74
Subject: JFK class of 1974 in Montreal, 50-year reunion, Nov. 2, 2024, held at Le Classique.
The word has gone out … the JFK class of ’74 is holding a Gala Celebration for its Golden Anniversary. Along this celebrative note, the school is also turning 60 this year! To help the classmates celebrate this momentous event, we invite family members, friends, JFK faculty, and all alumni, in particular the class of ’75. So together for one night & one night only, let’s leave all our concerns behind, and Let’s party like it’s 1974.
You can click this pdf for all the details: JFK Reunion Cover Letter and Invitation
Looking forward to seeing you all on November 2, 2024!
The JFK Class of 1974 Organizing Committee
Hello dear classmates and teachers,
In regards to our 50-year reunion of the JFK class of ‘74, we want to inform everyone that in addition to our classmates, we welcome spouses including partners, friends, teachers, and alumni, in particular the JFK class of ’75, who most likely has never held a reunion. Since we lack an email listing for the class of ’75, we are encouraging all of you to contact and spread the word to any classmates you would be able to reach out to.
We now also have a DJ booked, so all the important reservations are set.
We are also looking for sponsors who are willing to supply door prices. Your ideas and contributions are most welcomed.
We booked an early date in November, so that the snowbirds have the rest of the month to fly off to their destinations.
Date: November 2, 2024
Place: Le Classique, 6010 Bd des Grandes Prairies, St. Léonard (near Lacordaire)
Price: To be determined.
My Kindest regards to everyone,
Gabriel Castellani
Hello dear classmates,
A gala celebration is being organized for our class of ’74, and we already have a date and place for when and where it’s taking place. The confirmed date will be on Saturday, November 2, 2024. The reserved hall for the event is at the Salle de Réception Le Classique, located at 6010 Bd des Grandes-Prairies. Feel free to pencil it into your calendars. A DJ hasn’t been confirmed yet, but there will be food and music.
A group of us are working on organizing the event. I volunteered on helping out with the communication, so I will keep you all informed as new information comes out. We are contacting close to 200 classmates, so we anticipate a big event.
I will communicate again to all of you as soon as more information is confirmed.
My kindest regards to you all,
Gabriel Castellani
Hello Classmates,
The JFK Class of ’73 just celebrated their 50th-year reunion and the classes of '72 and '74 were invited.
There were 41 of our classmates who attended.
Here is their group photo. You can click the photo to enlarge it.
Dear Richard
On behalf of the JFK class of ’74 attendees,
I want to express our thanks for extending the invitation
To your class 50th-year reunion and finale!
A good time was had by all!
All your time, efforts & love in organizing this event
was greatly appreciated!
With kind regards,
Anna Del Balso
An Important Announcement
Dear JFK Alumni,
Webs.com will no longer be publishing sites as of June 30, 2021. They will be deleting any free websites like ours and migrating paid sites to Vistaprint, but without Members or Forums apps.
Learn more.
On Nov. 7, 2009, the organizing committee hosted a 35-year reunion with a Gala Dinner Celebration for
the JFK Class of '74 and it was a huge success!
This community website was created to host that event and allow members to upload their photos.
Since then, our JFK alumni have hosted other numerous
Events for their fellow classmates and uploaded many
Photos. It would have been a shame to see all that deleted.
That's why you can now find a backup of this community website at https://lucarinfo.com/jfkclassof74/
including all events and photos that members have uploaded over the years.
With Kind Regards,
Carol Zimmermann-Busato, JFK Class of '74
Dear Classmates,
Below is a pdf link of JFK class of '74 classmates who have sadly passed away.
JFK class of '74 deceased classmates
Eternal rest grant on to them on Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon them,
And may they rest in peace.
Kind regards,
Anna Del Balso
Dear Classmates,
We have very sad news. Our classmate, Marie-Denise Valiquette, passed away on July 30, 2014 and I miss her dearly. She'd been battling breast cancer for the past five years and was only 57 years old. She leaves behind her loving family and friends and all the people whose lives she touched with her warmth and kindness. She was a tender, compassionate, beautiful soul with a warm, generous heart who'll be very sadly missed.
With Kind Regards,
Carol Zimmermann-Busato
Hello Classmates,
Tu verras qu'il s'agit de théâtre dans les prisons en Italie. Les gens que j'ai rencontrés à Rome -- les acteurs professionnels qui encadrent le théâtre amateur en prison -- m'ont fait une très forte impression.Je me suis senti très chanceux d'avoir pu, grâce à votre influence à vous tous, apprendre l'italien quand j'étais adolescent. Sans parler l'italien, je n'aurais jamais pu faire ce reportage.
Bises parisiennes,
Dear Classmates,
Sunday March 17, 201302:00 P.M. - 08:00 P.M.Urgel Bourgie3955 Côte de Liesse,St. Laurent, Qc514-735-2025
From Nick Grana - Happy Holidays (To share with all)
To all my JFK Class of 74 schoolmates,
I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This is the time of year we spend around loved ones and enjoy some holiday cheer. But it?s also a time to reflect on our commitment to help others in need and think of ways we can make this a better place to live in. There are many people out there that will be without shelter, food or even worse?.love and support. Let?s all make an effort to try and change this for those who really need it!!
Be merry and especially?.be safe!! Look forward to seeing you sometime soon.
Buon Natale - Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noel - Feliz Navidad
T. 514.813.4413. www.sdimarketing.com
Photos of the weekend getaway to Manhattan have just been posted. Looks like our classmates and friends had a wonderful time. See the photos..
Tony Colannino Foundation Fundraiser
Mike Arseneault provided us with the article he wrote in L'actualité back in 2002. It's a very good article about JFK and his reflections 30 years later.
A Word of Thanks
Dear classmates and guests,
Attached you will find a (long overdue) word of thanks from the organizing committee of the JFK class of 1974 reunion: https://lucarinfo.com/jfk/thanks.pdf
We also want to bring to your attention the new menu heading entitled "Events" on our webpage. This is where all future events will be posted. Emails will not necessarily be sent out to advise classmates of upcoming events, so we encourage you to check out the site on a regular basis.Anna Del Balso
JFK Class of '74
"At J.F.K. We Care"