Hello world!
Blogging. I’ve been yearning to do it for some time. Primarily to post and archive information about issues that matter a great deal to me. So I have all that info in one convenient place, to turn to and reflect on. And also to share that information and my thoughts with whoever is interested, whoever would like to comment. Issues that matter the most to me are environmental, animal and human rights.
Topics to come, in no particular order:
- Global warming and the environment – We’ve all got to do something. It’s getting serious.
- Poverty and hunger. Bono and One.org – the campaign to make poverty history.
- Health and medicine – Have you heard of the book – ‘Anatomy of an Illness’ – The Phenomenal Bestseller on Illness Overcome and the Triumph of the Human Spirit.
- Psychiatry – There really are some good psychiatrists out there. And it can’t be easy being good when you have the kind of absolute power only a psychiatrist can wield.
- Psychiatric labels – Aren’t there far too many in the DSM IV-TR – over 300 now, including jet lag?? The DSM has its detractors, including Caplan Paula J., author of Bias in Psychiatric Diagnosis
. Here is a book description, found on Amazon:
“Bias in Psychiatric Diagnosis” is the first book about how gender, race, social class, age, physical disability, and sexual orientation affect the classification of human beings into psychiatric categories. This is a hot topic addressed to the public’s right to know, especially because the negative consequences of psychiatric diagnosis range from loss of custody of a child to denial of health insurance and employment to removal of one’s right to make decisions about one’s legal affairs.
- Autism – Anyone who thinks autism spectrum disorders are not being over-diagnosed has got their head in the sand.
- Public education
- Dyslexic quirks of the visually strong.