Ritalin Death Tragedies

What Drugmakers of ADD & ADHD Drugs Don’t Want You to Know https://www.ritalindeath.com/ADHD-Drug-Deaths.htm

“Thousands of children have suddenly died over the years, as a direct result of using psychotropic drugs used for ADD and ADHD.”

Here you’ll find a photo of Stephanie Hall and other children who have died as a result of psychotropic drugs. Their stories are all very heart-breaking. What happened to 10 year old Shaina really got to me. The following is written by her mother, Vicky Dunkle. Here is an excerpt:


“In 1999 I was told by the school psychologist that my 8 year old daughter Shaina couldn’t stay focused, talked out of turn, couldn’t concentrate, and had trouble staying on task and recommended she go to a doctor because she had all the characteristics of attention deficit disorder. We refused in the past when ADHD was approached to us because we felt she would just out grow her disorganization. We finally gave in because Shaina was being made to feel different, isolated in the hall to do her work, desk dumped upside down because it was messy then left to deal with the after math of humiliation. The resistance began of not wanting to go to school, nightmares surfaced, complaints of always being sick and all to avoid going to a place every parent should feel safe about sending their children. You see my daughter no longer felt safe, secure, or happy about school and she was only a second grade student.

February 26th, 2001 at the age of 10 years old Shaina Louise Dunkle died. Shaina had one grand mal seizure and died within minutes in the arms of her parents as we watched helpless and there was absolutely nothing we could do but watch as her life ended. Medical examiners final report concluded that the main cause of death was DESIPRAMINE TOXICITY. Shaina had a over excessive amount of the drug desipramine in her system. She had a history of urine retention and kidney problems and desipramine is not to be given to children with a history of either so what was happening her body was not excreting the drug properly and was building up a toxic amount until she went into cardiac arrest.

Our daughters death has not only left us to deal with the guilt of believing in the so call professional system but anger that we was not warned properly about the drugs side effects and that it had not been approved for children under the age of 13 because the safety and effectiveness have not been thoroughly tested.”


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