1. Can you name the Star Trek role played by Terry Farrell?
B'elanne A Torres
Christie Henshaw
Jadzia Dax

Starfleet science officer assigned to Deep Space 9 in 2369.

2. Who called Data brother?

Data's twin brother Lore, a humanoid android physically identical to Data, but with more human emotional responses built into his programming.

3. Can you state the Ferengi's first rule of acquisition?
Finders keepers.
It is better to give than to receive.
Once you have their money, you never give it back.

A technologically sophisticated humanoid race, the Ferengi possess a strict code of honor that's capitalistic in the extreme.

4. What role did Nurse Christine Chapel play on STNG?
Dr. Carol Marcus, with whom Captain Kirk had a son
Lwaxana Troi, mother to Deanna Troi
Yvette Gessard Picard, mother to Captain Picard

Majel Barrett played Lwaxana Troi, Ambassador to the government of Betazed and Deanna Troi's mother. Majel Barrett is the widow of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry.

<a href="http://lucarinfo.com/media/qnopowers.wav" target="_new">Play the sound</a> 5. Can you name the voice?

John DeLancie played the role of Q, an extradimensional entity with godlike powers. He was also playful and seemed to enjoy tormenting Captain Picard.

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Trivia source: "The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future"
by Michael Okuda, Denise Okuda and Debbie Mirek.
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