carmine ventrella |
Member Joined Nov 9 2009
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Post a CommentOops!The words you entered did not match the given text. Please try again. 4 Comments
Thanks Carmine for posting the pictures. It was another nice evening.
Hello Carmine, it's been so long. Yes, I remember you, and Wanda, and Pina from Our Lady of Consolata. Also Relia, Nina, Lina. Did we even go to the same grade school on Cartier Street - St. Brendan's? We were just little kids. How are you? Hope all is well. Looks like you had a good time at the Reunion. Thanks so much for posting your pics. It's so nice to see them, and to hear from you
I sure remember that class; the whole class missing the Apollo 13 landing for a broken door window, the geography teacher with a punch, the English teacher with his famous hanky blowing the nose, our religion teacher (Pussycala) teaching sex education, so don't get me started I do remember. If you have a scanner, a copy of that picture would be worth a M$. Sorry I cannot remember but were you in that class? Wally
Hi Carmine! How are you?!
Thanks for taking and posting your pics! :-) |
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