John F. Kennedy Class of '74

35-year Reunion with a Gala Dinner Celebration

Enza Grassia

Joined Nov 8 2009
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64 years old
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John F. Kennedy Class of '74

About Me

Married and mother of two boys 24 and 19.  Still Mary Michella's good friend.  Career in software R&D. 

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Reply Kathy Gallagher
10:05 AM on August 1, 2011 were my best friend for many years! You look wonderful!
Reply Nick Grana
1:25 PM on March 25, 2010 

You haven't changed one bit.....still look fantastic. Nice to see you're doing well and staying healthy. I was supposed to attend the reunion but I had to stay home due to health reasons, but I'm doing real good and promise to be there the next time around. I'm still married and have a daughter (still in school) and a son in the RCMP. Anyway, I intend to put an updated picture in my profile real soon (God forbid!!) and look forward to maybe getting a couple of people together for a drink or something sometime soon.

Take care!

Reply Enza Grassia
6:51 PM on March 9, 2010 
I look forward to see all you ladies at the brunch on March 21st.
Reply Noreena Agostino
1:33 AM on January 9, 2010 
Yes I will be interested to attend an all girls problem ...
Reply Luisa Liberatore
6:22 PM on January 5, 2010 
Hi Enza,
Thanks for organizing the last get -together. It was alot of fun. No I forgot to mention it to Rick, but I will. Hope to see you again soon.
Love Luisa
Reply Louis Falco
7:28 PM on December 30, 2009 

I like that picture also. It been a while since I've smiled as such. Wishing you and your whole family a tremendously great New Year's Eve celebration.

Reply Elio Daricchio
8:32 PM on December 14, 2009 
Ciao Enza, i hope you are well,yes i will be home on dec.28,i would love to attend and see everyone.Please inform me where this event will take place,i am in montreal for 2 weeks and will do my best to attend.Take care. [email protected] Elia
Reply Kathy Agostino
8:45 AM on December 13, 2009 
Hi Enza, thank you for that wonderful necklace, the fact that you actually
made it for me, means the world to me. What a night we had yesterday!
I'm still on that ride and hope to never get off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply Walter Holubowski
12:58 PM on December 8, 2009 
Hi Enza!

I surely recognized you on the pictures of the reunion. It was very moving to be able to travel 35 years back in time via those pictures.

As for the NICE words I thought you in Polish, I have no recollection of that but hope they have served you well and caused you no mischief.

Yes William Reis was one of my friends but I have lost track of him.

The only classmates that I have been in touch with recently are Gates Marinelli and his wife Silvana and most recently I met up with Costa Carone and his wife Francine just last Saturday at a bar in St. Lazare. Costa is the one that found my number and got in touch with me but regrettably only after the reunion.

Hope to see you sometime in the near future.
Reply Pat Abate
9:01 PM on December 7, 2009 
It was nice seeing you too at Il Ritrovo along with your Hubby and Son...and to think we must have crossed paths before at this same restaurant but never recognized each care and see you Saturday..
Reply Nick Cascino
3:34 AM on December 6, 2009 
HI enza , was nice to see you again
Reply Ralph Dei Tigli
8:29 AM on December 1, 2009 
hello Enza, it was nice to see you too! Don't worry about the golf no one takes it serously except the pros. Happy holidays to you and your family.
Reply Louis Falco
12:30 PM on November 25, 2009 
Hi Enza,

It's always great talking to you! Well my son and I got to Cleveland safe and sound. It only took TEN hours and everything went well!!

As I mentioned, I'll be there for Dec 12 (not Nov 12!) evening if I've got to bring my son considering that his team won the high school State Championhip!! I guess in the long run it was destined for me to miss the Big Hoop La Reunion because that's when the winning streak began. You see how the Kennedy good will works even across the border.

I' marking the 12th of December for a Montreal visit and I'm also meeting Dino on December 8 here in the Canton area. Wow, I'll get to see him twice in a 5 day span within a longer 35 years. WOW!!

Well I've got to get back to the Turkey Celebration preperations.

Ciao Enza,
Reply Julie Galardo
4:55 PM on November 22, 2009 
Hi Enza!
Thanks for writing!!!! Unfortunately, I couldn't make it.. I'm currently living in London, Ontario, but am moving back to Montreal next spring, I can't wait!!! Marie Moscato gave me all the news on the reunion and I was so jealous that I wasn't there..... I'll be there for the 40th?????
Reply Joanne Bragaglia
8:59 PM on November 15, 2009 
Hi Enza,
It certainly was an amazing evening! It was for me an emotional
rollercoaster. It was simply the best!!!!!
I guess the people that we knew when we were between the ages of 13 & 17 did have a great impact.
That evening was an evening where only happy memories were shared and from the sound of it, many in attendance were able to forget whatever problem they had; jobs, family, etc.
If we are true to our words, we should be getting together sometime soon. (At least some of us will.)
The majority in attendance that evening, kind of made me promise that we will have a 40th , but a few want to get together on a somewhat regular basis at a restaurant or bar or something.
Hopefully we will be able to do that.
Until then, have a good one.
Enza, I will see you at some family gathering soon.
Much love,
Joanne Bragaglia
Reply Francesco (Frank) Reda
12:36 AM on November 10, 2009 
Ciao Enza, I'm sending you an email through my hotmail account, so check your junk folder.
Reply Francesco (Frank) Reda
8:11 AM on November 9, 2009 
ENZA!!! So you ARE out there after all these years!
Great to hear from you!!!
I've been teaching English in Alberta since 1987,
but I do make it back to Montreal a couple of times
a year to visit my family in St. Michel.

I would have loved to be at the reunion. Even from a distance it was a bit of an emotional roller coaster knowing that all these people from my past were once again in one place at one time! Just re-connecting with fellow graduates through email has been quite the experience. Then Saturday a few hours before the reunion John Ferri gave me a surprise telephone call. Now THAT was something! I can't even imagine what I would have felt being in the same room with a bunch of people I haven't seen or heard from for 35 years!
Maybe you can tell me more about that!
Thanks for saying hi.
Stay in touch.
Reply Enza Grassia
11:13 PM on November 8, 2009 
That was an amazing evening!