Maria Minchella |
Member Joined Oct 16 2009
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Aurora, Ontario
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Hi Mary, just got done with 1st trimester report cards and having parent-teacher interviews this week. So, you, Joe and I were all in Alberta at the same time back in the early 90s. Who would have thunk it! However, from 91-93 I was working in a francophone school in Legal, north of St. Alberta and Edmonton. As of 1997 I started to work for the francophone school board here in Edmonton and have been with them ever since, teaching grade 9 English Language Arts and a few other subjects. And yes I do believe that sometimes we are paying for how we treated some of our teachers. I still remember how mean we once were with a M. Guevremont who taught us may not have been at the same school. In any case, with 7 years to go (including this one) the job is far from being as overwhelming as it used to be, although you can never let down your guard too much when you're teaching grade 9...actually it's my favorite grade to teach for some reason! Please say hi to Joe...I do remember hanging out with him at JFK.
Ciao :-)
Hi Maria,
It was a pleasure and honour to have been on the organizing committee. I am so thrilled that it turned out to be an amazing evening! So wonderful to see everyone! Keep in touch!
Hi Mary, Sure is a small worl. Laura is in her second year in nursing. She's living off campus in a house she rented with 8 other students. What program is Francesca in? BTW Great pictures - thanks for posting!
Ciao Maria, I cannot thank you enough for posting your pictures from the reunion! For me it's the next best thing to having attended. It's great to see so many familiar faces! The more I think about our at JFK the more I realize how much many of us were all connected back then and in so many configurations and permutations! Grazie ancora!! :-)
Hi Maria, wow! 35 years hmmm! I don't know if I can quite process that and even less that some of us are actually writing to each other after all this time. Does this mean that some of us have kids that are pushing 30! Yikes! Anyway, no kids here, either known or unknown!
I live in Alberta and have 7 years of teaching left. I'm glad I stuck it out even though the first few years were NOT a piece of cake (therapy was a lifesaver and I highly recommend it to everyone--but I hear you have to know you need it for it to work! ;-) Let me know what you've been up to! Ciao Fran(k)cesco
Hi Mary, I know that it is a long time since we last spoke but I am so excited to be able to see you all again. It has been too long. see you at the reunion. I heard Enza is going to be there too. See you soon
Thank you Carol for setting up the website and giving us the opportunity to say hello to old friends. I'm so excited about the reunion, I'm busting at the seams to see all of you.
Oops, you forgot something.