Marie Moscato |
Member Joined Oct 16 2009
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Hi Marie, I got your RSVP, so will see on Saturday.....We are going to be a
small group of 25 or so, but we will see about 5-6 new graduates, so it 's going to be great..........
Hi Marie, how have you been?!
I soooo wish I could be present at the reunion! Over the years I have often wondered if anyone from our group had ever organized a reunion and if I had somehow missed even hearing about it. Now that I know this is our first EVER reunion, I feel both better and worse--glad to to be able to contact friends from the past and chagrined that I won't be able to attend the reunion. Anyway, I am ever so grateful that Carol set up this website and that I can say hi to many of the people I used to hang out with at the Jail For kids ;-) Let me know what you've been up to. Ciao Fran(k)cesco
Hi Marie, Good to hear from you. Yes, many things NEED to be bigger in Texas especially vehicles - everyone loves their SUVs around here!! Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it to Montreal for the reunion. Timing was slightly off; I'll be in Montreal the following weekend.
Oops, you forgot something.