Make An Order
Cheques, International M.O. or well concealed cash in Canadian or US funds to:
Suzanne Marsden
c/o DragonHead Studio
PO BOX 24021 RPO Hazeldean
Kanata ON K2M 2C3
General Info:
aBraxIa #4 is $3.00 each.
Abraxia #1, #2, #3 are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 :-)
Shipping is $1.00 for first comic and +.50 for each additional comic.
aBraxIa #4
$3.00 each + ($1.00 s/h for first, .50 for additional)
Abraxia's Dream #1, #2 and #3
Special - all 3 for $5.00 + ($2.00 s/h)
Abraxia's Dream #3
$2.00 each + ($1.00 s/h for first, .50 for additional)
Abraxia's Dream #2
$2.00 each + ($1.00 s/h for first, .50 for additional)
Abraxia's Dream #1
$2.00 each + ($1.00 s/h for first, .50 for additional)
I'm happy to autograph comics--
just let me know what name to fill it out to :-)
Name (Please print): ...............................................
e-mail .................................................................
Address: ...............................................................
We thank you for your interest and support :-)